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Sometimes there can be no party without strong drinks. But there is a true danger even in the most pleasurable adventures. Booze Tracker - Bar Calculator And Tips - learn how to drink smart and safely with our new app!
Booze Tracker - Bar Calculator And Tips - with this application you will always get your alcohol level in check. Just enter your body weight, choose a drink and you will be able to learn how much alcohol is in your blood now. You can add potions one by one and see how your BAC level changes dynamically. Booze Tracker - Bar Calculator And Tips will let you get only good experience with alcoholic drinks.
Booze Tracker - Bar Calculator And Tips Guide Features:
- Blood alcohol content tracker
- Take care of your health and dont drink too much
- Really easy controls - just type your body weight and choose a drink
- Extremely useful alcohol calculator - get drunk only to desirable stage
- Make your alcohol experiences safer
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